Multiple Choice Questions on Celestial Body:
1. What is celestial body?
A. All the objects that we see in the sky are called celestial bodies or heavenly bodies.
B. All the objects that cannot see in the sky are called celestial bodies.
C. All the objects that we see on earth are called celestial bodies.
D. Both A and C
Answer: A. All the objects that we see in the sky are called celestial bodies or heavenly bodies.
Explanation: Celestial bodies are objects that exist in space, including stars, planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and galaxies, among others. These objects are visible from Earth and are observed in the sky.
2. Which of the following statement is true for celestial body?
A. All the objects that we see in the sky are called celestial bodies or heavenly bodies.
B. These celestial bodies include stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, meteorids and comets.
C. The celestial bodies that do not have their own light and heat are called planets
D. All of these
Answer: D. All of these
Explanation: All the statements provided are true for celestial bodies. They include objects visible in the sky, such as stars, planets, satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. Celestial bodies that do not have their own light and heat are indeed called planets.
3. The planet with the most moons in the solar system is______
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Earth
Answer: A. Jupiter
Explanation: Jupiter has the most moons in the solar system, with over 80 confirmed moons and more still awaiting confirmation.
4. The main reason why the sun is the central celestial body of the solar system is that______
A. It has a huge mass
B. It is located in the center of the solar system
C. It has a very high temperature
D. It can emit light by itself
Answer: A. It has a huge mass
Explanation: The Sun's massive gravitational influence holds the solar system together, making it the central celestial body around which all other celestial bodies orbit.
5. The closest natural celestial bodies to Earth are:
A. Mars
B. the moon
C. the sun
D. Venus
Answer: B. the moon
Explanation: The Moon is the closest natural celestial body to Earth, being Earth's only natural satellite.
6. The point above which the satellite or any celestial body lies is known as _____________
A. Zenith
B. Nadir
C. Visible horizon
D. Latitude
Answer: B. Nadir
Explanation: The nadir is the point directly below an observer or, in the case of a celestial body or satellite, the point directly below the object.
7. What is celestial sphere?
A. Celestial sphere is an assumption in which it is assumed that the stars lie on it.
B. Celestial sphere is shape of Celestial body
C. Both
D. None of these
Answer: A. Celestial sphere is an assumption in which it is assumed that the stars lie on it.
Explanation: The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, upon which all celestial objects appear to be projected. It is a conceptual tool used to describe the positions and movements of celestial bodies.
8. Position of a celestial body can be determined by__________
A. Nadir
B. Azimuth
C. Zenith
D. Co-ordinates
Answer: D. Co-ordinates
Explanation: The position of a celestial body can be determined using coordinates such as right ascension and declination or azimuth and altitude.
9. The most basic type of celestial body in the universe is______
A. Planets and nebulae
B. stars and planets
C. stars and nebula
D. planets and comets
Answer: C. stars and nebula
Explanation: Stars and nebulae are considered the most basic types of celestial bodies in the universe. Stars are massive luminous spheres of plasma, while nebulae are vast clouds of dust and gas.
10. The celestial system that does not include the Earth is________
A. Extragalactic
B. the Milky Way
C. the solar system
D. total galaxy
Answer: A. Extragalactic
Explanation: Extragalactic refers to objects or phenomena outside the Milky Way galaxy, thus excluding the Earth and the entire solar system.
11. Statements about celestial bodies that are incorrect are________
A. The reason why the two bodies are the same celestial body system is that they are close to each other
B. The main component of the nebula is hydrogen
C. The stars are in constant motion and change
D. The artificial satellite waiting to be launched is not a celestial body
Answer: A. The reason why the two bodies are the same celestial body system is that they are close to each other
Explanation: This statement is incorrect because the proximity of two bodies does not necessarily make them part of the same celestial body system.
12. The following celestial bodies are ________
① Milky Way
② Sun
③ Sunrise
④ Gas and dust in interstellar space
⑤ Meteorites
⑥ Meteoroids
A. ①②③
B. ④⑤⑥
C. ②④⑥
D. ①③④
Answer: C. ② Sun, ④ Gas and dust in interstellar space, ⑥ Meteoroids
Explanation: The Sun, gas and dust in interstellar space, and meteoroids are all celestial bodies. The Milky Way is a galaxy, not a celestial body, and the sunrise is a phenomenon rather than a celestial body.
13. Which of the following celestial systems is ranked from low to high is correct?
A. Earth-moon system - solar system - Milky Way - extragalactic galaxies
B. Earth-Moon System - Solar System - Milky Way - Total Galaxies
C. Earth-Moon System - Extragalactic Galaxy - Milky Way - Solar System
D. Earth-Moon System - Milky Way - Extragalactic Galaxy - Total Galaxy
Answer: B. Earth-Moon System - Solar System - Milky Way - Total Galaxies
Explanation: This sequence correctly represents the hierarchy of celestial systems, from smaller systems like the Earth-Moon system to larger systems like total galaxies.
14. Which statement about celestial systems is correct is________
A. Extragalactic galaxies and the Milky Way belong to different levels of celestial systems
B. A celestial body system is formed by mutual attraction and revolving between celestial bodies
C. The Milky Way is a celestial system centered on the sun
D. Divided by affiliation, the Earth-Moon system is part of the galaxy
Answer: B. A celestial body system is formed by mutual attraction and revolving between celestial bodies
Explanation: This statement correctly describes how celestial body systems are formed, through mutual gravitational attraction and orbital motion among celestial bodies.
15. The following statement is false________
A. The celestial body system is hierarchical
B. The Milky Way is formed by the mutual attraction and revolving of celestial bodies
C. The earth is located in the center of the solar system
D. The total galaxy is the largest celestial body system known to human beings
Answer: C. The earth is located in the center of the solar system
Explanation: This statement is false because the Sun is located at the center of the solar system, not the Earth.
16. Among all levels of celestial systems, the Milky Way is the________
A. The highest-level celestial body system
B. The celestial body system of the same level as the extragalactic galaxies
C. The celestial body system one level lower than the solar system
D. The celestial body system one level higher than the Earth-Moon system
Answer: B. The celestial body system of the same level as the extragalactic galaxies
Explanation: The Milky Way is a galaxy, and extragalactic galaxies are galaxies beyond the Milky Way, so they are at the same level in the hierarchy of celestial systems.
17. Which statement about celestial bodies and celestial systems is true______
A. Celestial body is a general term for various substances in the universe. Its volume and mass are greater than or equal to the moon and less than or equal to the sun
B. All celestial bodies attract and revolve with each other, and are in constant motion.
C. The total galaxy is the current The observed part of the universe
D. The central part of the Milky Way is an extragalactic galaxy
Answer: C. The total galaxy is the current observed part of the universe
Explanation: This statement is true because the observable universe, which includes all celestial bodies and systems that can be observed from Earth, is a part of the total galaxy.